Kinoma is a media player for Palm OS handhelds, came bundled with certain handhelds like the Tungsten T3 and the Tapwave Zodiac.

The perfect puzzle game, Tetris™, has been faithfully reproduced with permission of the Tetris Company for the Palm® OS platform. With over 50 million copies sold worldwide, Tetris™ is the world's most popular video game.

Useful and small screenshot tool which activates when the power button is pressed. The output file (PCX) can be opened using tools such as GIMP, ImageMagick and others for conversion.

Though the website states it works on every Palm OS device ...

InfraChat is the first, multi-mode IR chat program for Palm OS. It's perfect for when you just can't talk, and need to relay a messege. It features three modes for chatting, Text, Picture and both. It is also low on memory usage, using only 83K.

"Enter the revolution of Saguaro®, the most modern desktop-centric design that revolves around the same world-class ease of use that you enjoy from your Palm every time you turn it on. Already three years in the making, it’s the new application ...

Here is all the latest information and updates for your Magellan® GPS product, including software upgrades, support information, FAQ's, the latest manual and more.

Timidity is a MIDI-to-wave library for Palm OS used by certain applications (such as source ports) for music playback that wouldn’t be possible with Palm devices’ built-in synthesizer.

Timidity requires an external SD card. To install, copy ...

"Traffic" is a classic sliding puzzle game where the player must rearrange a series of laterally-moving blocks to make room for the primary white block to exit the puzzle. But beware: you only have so many moves to spend on your exit strategy!

Game rules

  • Up to 4 players can play Stones, you can setup who will play (nobody, you, palm) for each player in New Game dialog.

  • The basic rule is to capture as many fields as possible. You capture enemy stones by ...

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