Audible Player for PalmOS allows you to listen to your free and purchased audiobooks from Audible on your PalmOS powered devices!

A Note on Usability in the 2020's

I have been unable to transfer a full audiobook to my device and ...


Tiny app which shows each day's readings for the Bible in a Year podcast, and remembers where you left off.

(This is a brand new 2023 app which I wrote.)


Bunko Viewer is an e-book reader for XMDF (.zbf) files. It was distributed to consumers through Sharp's Spacetown book site. XDMF files are catered to small portable devices. They also allow for vertical reading.


CSpotRun is a free reader for documents in the popular Pilot DOC format. "See Spot Run" was a phrase from a beginning simple reading book from grade school. CSpotRun is a simple DOC reader. Get it?


Tiny app which shows each day's readings for the Catechism in a Year podcast, and remembers where you left off.

(This is a brand new 2023 app which I wrote.)



Dictionary and Encyclopedia Personal Reader (DEPReader) is dictionary software program for PDAs, included as a bonus part in the distribution package of different dictionary and reference databases. DEPReader is not a dictionary or ...


Dokusha (Japanese for reader) is an integrated Japanese text reader, Japanese-English dictionary, Kanji dictionary and study system for Palm Connected Organizers. It is aimed at English speakers learning the Japanese language. It is an ideal self-study ...


Handmark Bible Reader is comprised of both a desktop companion application and a Palm OS app providing the Christian Bible in a variety of English translations, plus individual translations in French, German, Spanish, and Latin.

As each ...


Handstory is "the Swiss Army Knife of media viewers", is the simplest and easiest solution to browse Web Clips, read Docs/Memos/eBooks, edit Memos, and view Images. This 5-in-1 application can easily convert images and texts from the Internet right ...


An inebook gives you the chance to change the fate of your favourite character.

IMAGINE if you could have a happy ending in EVERY BOOK!! Imagine if you could get into the skin of Sherlock Holmes! This interactive reading experience is ONE ...