Dokusha (Japanese Ebook-Reader)

Dokusha (Japanese for reader) is an integrated Japanese text reader, Japanese-English dictionary, Kanji dictionary and study system for Palm Connected Organizers. It is aimed at English speakers learning the Japanese language. It is an ideal self-study tool which lets you do much of your language learning directly on the Palm device. Best of all, it is FREE software.

Attached are the dokusha main file, the optional japanese names dictionary, the document converter (original file must be encoded in SHIFT-JIS), and an example of a text document (Team Medical Dragon).


 (*Based on user feedback. Login to submit)


1.5 dokusha.zip3.6M
1.0 jnamedic.zip2.1M
1.0 dokuconvsetup.zip364K
1.0 01-Team_Medical_Dragon.pdb20K

Submitted on September 19, 2023 by

PalmDB member since June 16, 2023