CallRec is an application designed for Treo 650/680/700p/755p and Palm Centro smartphones and intended to use as sound recorder.

With CallRec you can record your voice notes, meetings, interviews as well as telephone conversation. Primary ...

FieldPlus enables users to use their 5-way navigation button to select text in standard PalmOS text input fields. Third party word processing applications typically use their own text routines, so FieldPlus will not affect ...

HeadCold is a small PalmOS utility that will allow you to direct the sound output of a Treo600 or a Treo650 to either the built-in speaker or the headphone jack.

HeadCold is FREE software, released under the GPL license. You may download both ...

KeyGuard Extended (KeyGEx) for Treo/Centro v.1.7

KeyGEx is a default keyguard replacement for Treo and Centro smartphones. It sports an intuitive and nice user interface and slide to unlock feature to make the unlocking process much easier ...

Palm Centro Ring Tones in a zip file. These are the original MIDI ring tones from the Palm Centro.

All unlocked Palm Treo ringtones, taken from a Treo 755p. Ringtones are in MIDI format.

Palmary Clock is a customizable alarm clock, with integrated stopwatch, world time, and many other features. Numerous skins we've developed for Palmary Clock allow you to adjust the clock design according to your wishes. You can also create a new skin ...

Tool for changing ROM tokens on Treos - do not poke at bits you don't understand.

This has potential to make your device inoperable.

Most importantly, it allows for changing carrier customization - For R(est)O(f)W(orld), use "write ...

When the Palm Treo 270 released in mid-2002, the concept of a smartphone was still new and unfamiliar to many prospective buyers--and the retailers who sold them. To assist, Palm provided demo kits including a functioning device and example script for ...

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