With EditROM you can modify ROM images downloaded from your palm device. Increase your memory capacity by accessing the flash area, an unused portion of your organizer. Create your own customized ROM and include the applications ...

JackFlash is the fastest way to expand the memory of your Palm Handheld. Get up to 40% more without modifying your hardware.

JackFlash gives you access to the extra Flash space available on most Palm devices. On compatible devices, only a ...

Backup and Customize Flash ROM


Palm Linux is an experimental distribution of Linux for certain models of Palm devices, including the Tungsten T, T5, T3, Palm TX, and LifeDrive. It supports the GPE and

Backup and Flash ROM on PC and on Device


Tool for changing ROM tokens on Treos - do not poke at bits you don't understand.

This has potential to make your device inoperable.

Most importantly, it allows for changing carrier customization - For R(est)O(f)W(orld), use "write ...