A nice interface for common belt and pulley calculations.
- Solve for belt length
- Solve for RPM
- Solve for pulley diameter
A nice interface for common belt and pulley calculations.
This is a lookup program for various tables from the field of Biology.
BufferCalc is an application designed to perform general buffer and pH calculations. BufferCalc, version 1 9/15/2002
Documentation The list of buffers may be sorted by name of the acid form, the name of the base form, the number of acidic ...
Dilute was developed in order to help students in a chemical laboratory with preparing solutions.
The procedure is: an aliquot (volume 1) of an initial solution (concentration 1) is diluted in a volumetric flask (volume 2) in order to obtain a ...
Gene is a database viewer for molecular bilogists. I made this application for myself. However, as I think Gene will also help other researchers, I decided to distribute this application.
RNA->Protein codon ...
Application to draw diagrams, flow charts and mind maps and convert them to a text outline.
This program estimates the value of PI by using a well known MonteCarlo Method. To run the simulation, type the number of cycles you want your Palm to use to estimate PI. The "Aristotle algorithm" is also included for comparison
The final value ...
MS Calc was developed in order to help students in a chemical instrumentation laboratory interpret their mass spectroscopy data. MS Calculator performs two types of analysis, chemical formula and isotope pattern.
A ...
MathPad is a tool for solving and storing mathematical equations in standard algebraic syntax. It works just like the standard MemoPad app, except that if you write down an equation and tap the Solve button, it computes the answer and fills it in for ...
Mendeleev is a molecular weight calculator for Palm devices.