2D Memo is software that expands the CLIE's standard memo pad. You can :

  • paste multiple memos on the screen and view multiple memos at the same time.
  • freely position and size the memos you paste.
  • choose the color of the ...

A version of the card game Napoleon, created by CRI Middleware (better known as CRIWARE).

Japanese Application Launcher for Sony Clié - Freeware

Update for Clie NX series devices to add compatibility for Memory Stick Pro storage. See https://web.archive.org/web/20030810051035/http://www.ita.sel.sony.com/support/clie/nx70v/softupdates/ for a list of NX series updates.

Sony service manual for working on the Clie S300 (and presumable the S500C as well). Especially useful for Non-European models where there is no battery door and the full case must be taken off to replace the battery

Syetem update to fix "Fatal Error appears when system stability is compromised" Instructions: https://web.archive.org/web/20030625022557/http://www.ita.sel.sony.com/bin/support/installfiles/SLUpdt01.html

*Update for Clie TG50 devices to add compatibility for Memory Stick Pro storage.

See https://web.archive.org/web/20030810051035/http://www.ita.sel.sony.com/support/clie/tg50/softupdates/ for a list of TG series updates.

See below for ...

Navigate your dune buggy through a series of obstacles, including falling rocks and missiles. From Tako 2 Brand Palmware.

Registration-patched version courtesy of Ink321.

Installation files copied over from original disk. Intended for use with Sony CLIÉ devices and the Hagiwara Wireless LAN Memory Stick.

The MediaQ MQ1132 is a multimedia controller used in certain Palm devices such as the Tungsten W and CLIÉ UX50 (among others). It was used to offload certain 2D graphics processing tasks from the CPU to accelerate performance, and also served as an ...