Memoru is a japanese draw application for PalmOS, designed for Sony Clié PEG-N700C.
Author : Akino Hitoshi

These msPro (Memory Stick Pro) drivers were written by Dmitry Grinberg ( and

-> Formatting card in the Clié is not supported.

-> CardInfo may also be slow on large cards.

There is ...

A Japanese graphical adventure game. Use the menu to select inspection, action and dialogue responses and solve the mystery!

NOTE: Knowledge of Japanese (or expert use of Google/DeepL Translate) is required to understand and ...

Modern Clie Audio MCA enables Palm OS 5.2-like functionality for audio playback and recording on Sony Clie NX/NZ/TG (Palm OS 5.0) devices. It provides most of the sound capabilities that are found in later models like the UX, TH or T3 (Palm OS 5.2). ...

Driver for PEGA-KB20 mini thumb keyboard for Clie devices,

PalMusic contains a set of alarm tones for PDAs that support polyphonic alarms. Install the Alarm files from the folder pdb-files on your PDA to make usage of it. PalMusic is only tested on my Clie 625C. If you own another PDA and it works (or doesn't) ...

This is intended for Clie devices, but seems to work on non-Clie devices as well (with some graphical glitches). Japanese fonts are suggested, but it'll work without them.

From original release:

Name: Puyo Puyo Fever Genre: puzzle ...

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