The Palm Treo 755p was released on a variety of carriers, but Sprint and Verizon users received a special bonus in the form of system software updates to fix bugs, improve Bluetooth performance, and add compatibility with then-modern desktop software ...

Its the classic Wordle you all love brought to us by u/bobberto1995


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Quickbits benchmarks your Palm and claims to apply UI and System tweaks to speed it up. On first run, the program will run a benchmark, and then give you the option to "Enable Quickbits" - after this is enabled, it will run the benchmark again so you ...

Uses your android phone to share it's internet connection to a Palm device using Bluetooth!

Printing software for Adress, Adobe Reader, Date Book, Memo Pad, To Do List, and documents to go. Tested on Palm T3 and versions of applications that come stock with it and Adobe Reader, does not work with Documents to go V11, PrintMe is accessible in ...

Namco's arcade classic, PAC-MAN, returns and he's now portable! Avoid the ghosts while munching on the dots. Now you can have the same arcade excitement in the palm of your hand!

Adobe Reader for Palm OS. Includes both the Palm client and a Windows client for converting and transferring PDFs to a Palm device.

Traveling? Worldmate puts your travel plans at your fingertips. Get world time, flight info, weather, and more all from your Palm handheld. Supports both hi-res and DIA devices.

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Billiards-like game where you have to hit a ball through various targets whilst also meeting certain additional conditions.

For example, level 1: you must pass the ball through the 1 marker, but first rebound off 2 cushions ...