You've spent $$$ on your new shiny Palm... Start getting your money's worth with FanMate!

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Manage an entire city in the palm of your hand! SimCity Classic brings the wildly popular original game to Palm OS. Create your own custom scenarios with three levels of difficulty and start building!


A utilitarian little program to find the beats-per-minute of a song, your pulse, or whatever. Just start tapping and the program will quickly zoom into the average.

PocketC source code available courtesy of the author!

This was DivX's early attempt to bring video playback on Palm OS devices. This beta version has time limit that can be circumvented by adjusting the date to 2004 or earlier.

FastCPU program is designed to control your device speed parameters. Using this program you are enable not only to multiply the speed of your applications performance by nearly 2 but also to save the system energy understating data bus and central ...

EditC is the perfect code editor for PocketC! It contains a built-in PocketC reference, as well as function libraries for PToolBoxLib and CControls.

Developer ...

Pocket Quicken 1.01 for Palm OS (CD)

Requires Palm Desktop 2.0 or greater, and Quicken 99 or 2000.

Registration Code: 11264334

LighNzip is a compression and decompression application whose capabilities and capabilities could be summarized in several points:

  • Full support for compression and decompression of files in RAM and on the ...

CyCalc is a shape, volume, and force calculator. Uses the imperial system exclusively.