FastCPU program is designed to control your device speed parameters. Using this program you are enable not only to multiply the speed of your applications performance by nearly 2 but also to save the system energy understating data bus and central ...

MONSTA is a turn based game which requires logic, judgement and forward planning.

This captivating game offers the challenge of a deadly fight between hero Joe and little monsters which can only end by using the best possible ...

Bars is a puzzle game by WebVisia where you remove the stacked bars before the time runs out, while others are placed randomly as you work.

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PKWrite is a replacement input method (IME) for Palm OS, advertising faster input through a T9-style on-screen keyboard layout with built-in autocompletion.

Later versions of PKWrite are installed as a desk accessory (or DA) ...

HandEra Rom updates extracted from Waybackmachine. Latest 3.5 rom is A29.

TomeRaider - The world's most advanced ebook reader | reference viewer. Only TomeRaider can handle super-large reference works.

Attached are the PalmOS version (register with any 6 digit code) and the Windows version (see ...

Yahoo! Groups was an online discussion board system which ran from 2001 to 2020. Among them was the Sony Clie Users Group, which was known as one of the most active Clie communities on the internet in its time.

A portion of the group's ...

Undocumented Palm Info 2.0 is one of the most popular Docs available for your Palm device. Increase your speed with alternative graffiti strokes, learn about the mysterious "dot commands", find hidden jokes and graphics, and discover amazing new ways ...

MegaLauncher is a multipurpose application manager that can work on all Palm OS platform devices. Easy, intuitively understandable interface and the program philosophy enable you to study and accept this program in no time. Designed ...