Medieval Heroes is a historical strategy game. The game takes place in central Europe of the fourteenth century. The game area consists of the great number of provinces.

At the beginning, the player controls one of these provinces. Every ...

From 2000 to 2002, Handspring published a series of technical documents designed to introduce developers to key concepts for building hardware and software for their unique Visor line of Palm devices. The Application Notes series, as it was called, ...

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YAHTZEE® family dice game for the Palm OS platform is the first official version of this classic. For more than 40 years, YAHTZEE has been one of the world’s best selling games and is now available for handheld devices. Play anywhere! If you’ve ...

Dungeon Lore is a 3d greyscale Dungeon Crawler released by Ted Lowery in 2001. The website is gone, but still available on wayback, last updated in 2010.

The zip contains a normal and cracked file, and a readme and license txt.

Test and ...

You play the part of an ace secret who has been put in charge of retrieving highly important items which have been stolen by a team of evil secret agents. Also part of your job is to plant objects such as surveillance cameras and secret microphones ...

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MathPad is a tool for solving and storing mathematical equations in standard algebraic syntax. It works just like the standard MemoPad app, except that if you write down an equation and tap the Solve button, it computes the answer and fills it in for ...

From the Read Me: Open records the opening hours of stores, restaurants, banks, or anything else that maintains regular hours over a week, and shows their current "open-ness" at a glance, together with how long they will remain ...

From the original release:

Build a RailRoad-empire. You start off with one station at a small coalmine. Lay a track to the nearest machine-factory, and import machines to your mine to start digging. Next, build a track to the nearest ...