Charge and Discharge time test

Author : Jura Cibula (PAjDA), Adam Koppel

KeyGuard Extended (KeyGEx) for Treo/Centro v.1.7

KeyGEx is a default keyguard replacement for Treo and Centro smartphones. It sports an intuitive and nice user interface and slide to unlock feature to make the unlocking process much easier ...

The Palm LifeDrive famously used a micro hard drive (or MicroDrive) offering an impressive 4GB storage capacity. However, with age, MicroDrives are prone to failure. A faster, more durable alternative is to replace the MicroDrive with a Compact Flash ...

PalMusic contains a set of alarm tones for PDAs that support polyphonic alarms. Install the Alarm files from the folder pdb-files on your PDA to make usage of it. PalMusic is only tested on my Clie 625C. If you own another PDA and it works (or doesn't) ...

Palm Centro Ring Tones in a zip file. These are the original MIDI ring tones from the Palm Centro.

All unlocked Palm Treo ringtones, taken from a Treo 755p. Ringtones are in MIDI format.

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The runtime version is for those who have no desire to compile applets, but want to run someone else's applet. Using this version saves memory, since the compiler has been removed. This version is freeware and may be distributed freely by developers, ...

Let your Palm device do the talking for you! Symbic Talker is a text-to-speech engine for Palm OS utilized by certain third-party apps like Chatopus. It can read notes, IMs, and more.

Symbic Talker is not supported ...