Excerpt from original release from Hexacto: "Lemonade Tycoon is a business simulation/strategy title that provides a fun and challenging learning experience.

You start with a small lemonade stand and a few dollars in your pocket. Check the ...

Owner Info is a robust replacement for the limited (and hard to find) Owner section of the built-in preferences app.

In the event of a lost device or emergency, a helping hand is much more likely to notice an icon on the main applications ...

Like Bike Or Die, but with nicer visuals and puzzle-like focus (imo). Don't forget to install levels file too.

Seems to demand memory like: 2MB of dynamic memory 3MB of storage memory So free some space if game fails to run.

This boots a minimal linux instance on supported Palm devices.


  • Hotsync the prc file to you device.
  • Setup a direct serial connection at 9600baud in a terminal program and turn of your HotSync (if ...

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Pocket Civ is a civ-like game for Palm OS, having some degree of playability, but lacking many of the elements of the PC game. The ultimate goal of creating a game similar to Sid Meier's original Civilization (Civ 1) is more of an abstract destination; ...

The AlphaSmart Dana is a laptop alternative device running Palm OS 4.1. It is well-known for its iconic wide screen, making it the highest resolution Palm device of its time. The 1.5 system update provides better support for the unusual display, along ...

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Tool for changing ROM tokens on Treos - do not poke at bits you don't understand.

This has potential to make your device inoperable.

Most importantly, it allows for changing carrier customization - For R(est)O(f)W(orld), use "write ...

Arvale: Journey of Illusion is an epic Role Playing Game, with over 20 hours of gameplay, six immense continents with 280 maps to explore, 200 different monsters to fight against, and over a hundred different items, weapons, and magic spells to ...