Driver for the Palm Wireless (IR) Folding Keyboard

Compatible with Palm OS 5 and greater Treo, Tungsten, & Zire Series devices, and many popular Pocket PC devices.

Palm/PalmOne 3169WW Universal Wireless Keyboard

TomeRaider - The world's most advanced ebook reader | reference viewer. Only TomeRaider can handle super-large reference works.

Attached are the PalmOS version (register with any 6 digit code) and the Windows version (see ...

A simple DA for creating, editing and reading your memos in the Memo Pad database which means that everything is seemless between daMemoPad and the standard Memo Pad app

Requires a DA launcher such as DA Launcher ...

Convert one of your hardware buttons into a fully functioning power button.

Are you human or an alien? Detect whether if someone is an alien in the Palm of your hand! The app was developed for the Sci-Fi Channel.

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Yahdice is a clone of the dice game, Yahtzee™. It supports both playing alone or in a group.

Yahdice is open source as of version 2.00

Undocumented Palm Info 2.0 is one of the most popular Docs available for your Palm device. Increase your speed with alternative graffiti strokes, learn about the mysterious "dot commands", find hidden jokes and graphics, and discover amazing new ways ...

python 1.5.2 in the palm of your hand


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