From README: "GuineaPig is an emulator system for numerous classic game consoles, for running on Palm OS (with Zodiac enhancements where available.)

SEGA Genesis, SEGA Master System and SEGA GameGear -- copyright SEGA Inc. NEC TurboGrafx -- ...

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An archive of all files formerly hosted by, excluding webpages themselves. Includes installers for various editions of Palm Desktop, OS upgrades, PDF manuals, video tutorials and advertisements, promotional apps, sample media, and ...

Dice roller and random number generator app for Palm OS.

Roll dice from presets or use a custom die. Roll multiple dice at once and up to 9 of each.

Should work on almost any Palm PDA.

Have fun!

Grab gems by tapping the screen when the claw is pointing in the right direction. The claw automatically moves back and forth. Larger gems are worth more points but are heavier and take longer to retrieve.

PicoTrak is a Palm time tracking program for designers, contract workers, lawyers, or anyone else who needs multiple-project task management. It provides portable, easy-to-use project management and project tracking.

PicoTrak automatically ...

Pocket Aargon is a handheld version of Aargon Deluxe, the popular PC laser puzzle game. The game consists of a series of 10x10 "levels", each containing one or more colored lasers, and one or more "targets", represented by colored coins. The player ...

yCPUBench provides a set of CPU benchmarks to test the speed of your Palm OS device and compare it with others.

Can also be used in conjunction with overclock utilities like WarpSpeed or

This is a Russian application that allows to scan barcodes on Symbol SPT-series data terminals.


Resco Backup Pro is an onboard system backup utility featuring support for scheduled backups, AES encryption, and FTP connectivity for creating and restoring backups from a web server. By default, backups are stored on the SD card.

Also ...