PocketC for PalmOS is an easy-to-use development tool for Palm OS-based devices. PocketC is available in two forms: a device-based compiler, and a desktop environment.


  • Simple language to learn and ...

Software Demo CD's provided by Palm for educational providers.

DiddleBug is a free drawing and notes app with wide compatibility across different versions of Palm OS. Originally designed for grayscale devices, DiddleBug replaces colors with patterns to make multiple shades possible even on pure black-and-white ...

Viewer for various types of resources found inside a Palm resource database, includes a disassembler, bitmap viewer/exporter, form viewer, and hex dumper.

Written by Joseph H. Stadolnik III, PToolBoxLibis a native library for PocketC containing an amazing number of routines for graphics, user interface, and miscellaneous system routines.


  • User Interface - dynamic forms, ...

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Speedy is a benchmark application to test the performance of your Palm OS device and compare with others using a built-in database of test scores.

Can also be used in conjunction with overclock utilities like

Owner Info is a robust replacement for the limited (and hard to find) Owner section of the built-in preferences app.

In the event of a lost device or emergency, a helping hand is much more likely to notice an icon on the main applications ...

FnC Converter is a simple application to convert degrees from Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice-versa.

This is the disk that came with the TDK blue5 Bluetooth enabler for the Palm V/VX and IBM Workpad C3.