By Astraware
Candy Cruncher - How Much Candy Can You Crunch?
Crunch lines of candy while avoiding the Dreaded Black Jellybeans!
By Astraware
Candy Cruncher - How Much Candy Can You Crunch?
Crunch lines of candy while avoiding the Dreaded Black Jellybeans!
Barcode+ is a commercial application by Proxis software for Symbol SPT-series Palm-based mobile terminals.
I made this game trying to see what it would take to get back into Palm OS game development after 20 years. My personal favorite part of it is the built-in level creation tools.
A Monopoly-like game from ICOM Consulting, sequel to another game from them called MiniPolis.
From their release:
Casino MiniPolis is a new version of our best-selling property trading game MiniPolis for all those who ...
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A Japanese graphical adventure game. Use the menu to select inspection, action and dialogue responses and solve the mystery!
NOTE: Knowledge of Japanese (or expert use of Google/DeepL Translate) is required to understand and ...
MiniWrite is a text editor for Palm OS® files in standard Doc format. It is designed to work with plain texts without word processing functionality (e.g., bullets, tables, headers). MiniWrite includes converters for text files and Microsoft® Word ...
A highly compatible web browser for Palm OS built on IBM WebSphere Micro Java VM. Required for viewing modern HTTPS sites. 4.0.9800 is more stable and reliable than 4.3.25172
Java is required to run Opera Mini.
Driver for PEGA-KB20 mini thumb keyboard for Clie devices,
This is a Russian application that allows to scan barcodes on Symbol SPT-series data terminals.