Here it is! Have you ever dreamt to be a pilot? Put your dream into reality with our new cool Palm game AnotherBottle. It is simple but very addictive: you can spend hours trying to steer your small helicopter through canyon full of ...
AppForge Booster (later called AppForge CrossfireClient) is required for running apps created using AppForge MobileVB (later called AppForge Crossfire).
You should only install this if directed to by an app, which should tell you the version it ...
Doesn't work properly on OS5 and OS4.
The closest I've got it to run on OS5 is using Screen Prefs to set the color mode to 1 bit, but all characters are inverted.
Only causes fatal ...
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Arvale: Journey of Illusion is an epic Role Playing Game, with over 20 hours of gameplay, six immense continents with 280 maps to explore, 200 different monsters to fight against, and over a hundred different items, weapons, and magic spells to ...
AsciiChart is a simple character set and font display utility for Palm OS devices. Use AsciiChart to view the characters available in each of the Palm OS built-in fonts or as a reference for the ASCII character set.
Align three matching tiles of the Zodiac and they will vanish. Sounds easy? Well, it isn't. As new tiles will pop into the board at every move, you have to plan your moves carefully and make larger lines from time to time… or the space available will ...
Turn all the squares on the board to gold by matching colored symbols in this classic puzzle game from Astraware.
This package includes both a generic Palm OS 5-compatible version of the game and a special version enhanced for Sony devices. ...