This product was created for Handspring/palmOne Treo 600, Treo 650, and Treo 700p only. It will not work on other devices than Treo 600, Treo 650, or Treo 700p.
Normally, there is no way to quickly move the blinking cursor around text without ...
This product was created for Handspring/palmOne Treo 600, Treo 650, and Treo 700p only. It will not work on other devices than Treo 600, Treo 650, or Treo 700p.
Normally, there is no way to quickly move the blinking cursor around text without ...
FieldPlus enables users to use their 5-way navigation button to select text in standard PalmOS text input fields. Third party word processing applications typically use their own text routines, so FieldPlus will not affect ...
Battery Panel is a system preference panel which displays the current battery settings. If your handheld supports user changeable batteries (Alkaline, NiCad), the battery type can be chosen. Also the warning and critical (shut ...
ConjugateFR permet de conjuguer la quasi-totalité des verbes français à tous les modes, tous les temps, toutes les personnes. Le programme fonctionne suivant un concept ingénieux puisqu'il s'appuie sur les règles de la morphologie propre aux ...
This is a fun game. You are a cute little smiley face charcter. Your objective is to move boxes around in order to cover up circles. There are 31 levels. You will have hours of fun with this game. You can move the smiley face using the hardware keys: ...
You can put commonly used letters closer together so that you can type without having to lift the stylus. To get that needed space, just flick your stylus to the right, or use the excellent feature, autospace, which can be set up to add a space after ...
MultiWatch is my first ever Palm app which I have used to get use to the development environment, so it is a little rough and probably the code is slightly bigger than really required, but at 14K I think most people can live with it. I spend a lot of ...
Eyecontact is an application that allows you to attach images to your address book entries, in conjunction with the eyemodule digital camera image capture feature and image database. No data re-entry is required: eyecontact uses ...
OmniRemote is an IR learning remote control. It uses infrared light to communicate with TV's, VCR's and many other devices (nearly any device that uses IR).
"Out of the box" this software won't control anything. Because it's a learning remote ...
The 8MB Flash Updater is used to update the File Mover and other System Software contained on the Handspring 8MB Flash Module. This update will NOT affect user data stored on the module. Only system information will ...