The Palm LifeDrive version 2.0 software update provides a variety of enhancements:

  • Wi-Fi coverage in low signal areas
  • Roaming performance
  • File system stability
  • Sound quality when listening to MP3 ...

Drivers for the Logitech TypeAway Ultra-Slim Folding Keyboard and Logitech KeyCase Wrap-around Keyboard

About the Logitech TypeAway Keyboard Ultra Slim Folding Keyboard for Palm - from

MathLib is a library of math functions widely used by Palm OS applications. It must be installed separately for any dependent applications to work.

These msPro (Memory Stick Pro) drivers were written by Dmitry Grinberg ( and

-> Formatting card in the Clié is not supported.

-> CardInfo may also be slow on large cards.

There is ...

MobileWrite is a handwriting recognition product which recognizes standard English characters. It is used to enter text and data into your favorite Palm OS applications. It is meant to replace Grafitti and Grafitti 2.

Modern Clie Audio MCA enables Palm OS 5.2-like functionality for audio playback and recording on Sony Clie NX/NZ/TG (Palm OS 5.0) devices. It provides most of the sound capabilities that are found in later models like the UX, TH or T3 (Palm OS 5.2). ...

File Manager Update is a patch for the Palm m125, m500, m505, m515, m130, i705 and Tungsten W handhelds. It resolves a problem formatting high density expansion cards (128MB or greater) with the Palm handheld.

This update was released on ...

Upgrade your Palm III, IIIc, IIIx, or IIIxe from Palm OS 3.0 up to Palm OS 3.5.3, featuring new apps, enhanced security, and more. For the latest supported version, see Palm OS 4.1 Upgrade.

To determine your ...

Copy Update is an update for Palm OS 4.0 devices to improve expansion card handling. Lets the Launcher's Copy function copy user data associated with an application.

Applies to Palm devices with Palm OS 4.0 and an expansion slot such as the ...

Upgrade your Palm III, IIIc, IIIx, IIIxe, V, Vx, m500, or m505 to the latest supported version of Palm OS, featuring new apps, enhanced security, and more.

To determine your current OS version, navigate to Applications > Menu > "Info" > ...