In 2007, the dates for Daylight Savings in participating countries changed to begin on March 11 and end November 4. This created a problem for any existing Palm devices which had DST support built-in for the old dates. As a result, the internal clock ...

FlashPro allows you to save programs to the FlashROM of a handheld. This has multiple benefits, including retaining said programs after a factory reset, or freeing up space in the RAM.

Do you find the default PalmOS fonts too big, too small or you simply don't like how they look?

With Fonts4OS5 you can change the built-in fonts to those you like and it is as easy as it gets!

And with the new version (3.30) of ...

Bored of the default alarm sounds in Palm OS? Want the old M100 alarm sounds back? Try GeekSounds for Palm OS.

To install, simply copy System_MIDI_Sounds.pdb to your device. It will ask you if you would like to replace the existing System MIDI ...

This application fixes the bug on the T5, TX and LifeDrive that the left-handed preference is lost after a soft reset. Turn the device off and on after a reset to make this application restore that preference for you.

It appears as an option in ...

Upgrade your Handera TRGpro from Palm OS 3.0 up to Palm OS 3.5.2, featuring new apps, enhanced security, and more.

To determine your current OS version, navigate to Applications > Menu > "Info" > "Version". If less than 3.5.2, ...

The HS Updater 3.5.2 v.1.5 for Visor Prism and Visor Platinum handhelds updates the Palm OS version to Palm OS 3.5.2H1.5. It incorporates the changes from previous updates, and fixes an issue that could cause a Fatal Alert with certain third-party ...

Handspring Updater installs a Palm OS software update for all Visor Platinum and Visor Prism handhelds in all languages. This update provides the following:

  1. Improved Graffiti writing performance on the Visor Prism handheld.
  2. Modem ...

This is a Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) compatible Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for Palm OS, that was

Palm OS did not officially offer SD card support until OS 4. While no older devices were released with SD card readers built-in, it is possible to homebrew custom devices with a combination of older Palm OS and SD card readers.