Kyle's Quest 1

Kyle's Quest (c) 1998 Kyle Poole (,

!!!! Delete any previous version of Quest when upgrading to v3.1 !!!!

Version 3.1

Finally version 3.1 has been released to support all the advanced
features of the level editor! Since compression has been removed,
be sure to delete Quest and reinstall the new v3.1 levels prior
to upgrading!!

Included is the level "No Bones About It, Director's Cut", updated
for v3.1 by Robert Denner (

New Features

Pen Movement: Getting around has never been easier! Just tap on the
spot where you want to go.

Enhanced Saving: Save and restore you game at any time. Separate saved
games are kept for each level, as well as "continue" options for when
you exit the game but don't want to save.

Special Talking Events: Just "walk into" a person to talk, no need to
walk in front of them

Question Events: Answer a yes/no question carefully, your answer will
change the outcome of the game

SubMaps and Rooms: 20x20 SubMaps and 10x10 Rooms allow even more
flexibility in level design

Warp Points: Level Designers can now send players to any spot they
want, enabling linked maps for a huge dungeon, etc

Training Guilds: When you go up a level, you get to decide which
attributes you want to train

Spells: Learn spells from Spell Books or at Training Guilds, spells
become more effective with use

Multiple Endings: Levels can now have multiple endings, meaning you must
weigh your actions carefully

WARNING: delete any previous copy of Quest from your pilot before installing this one!

Want to contribute? Register or login to edit this post with your description, screenshot, files, and more!


 (*Based on user feedback. Login to submit)


Levelpack: No Bones About It Bones.pdb88K
Kyles Quest v3.2 Kyle'
PC Level Editor Kyle'
Extra Levelpacks KQ_Levelpacks.zip2.1M

Submitted on December 10, 2020 by

PalmDB member since December 10, 2020

Additional Editors