Hydra for Palm OS

This is a legacy version of the thc-hydra (also known as Hydra) network login bruteforcer for the Palm OS platform. It supports the following protocols: FTP, POP3, TELNET, VNC, IMAP, CISCO, and NNTP.

Please note that these versions are likely not probably unsuitable for modern use. Disclaimer: This tool is intended for legal use only.

For the current versions of hydra: https://github.com/vanhauser-thc/thc-hydra


No registration needed, software is freeware.


 (*Based on user feedback. Login to submit)


4.6 hydra-4.6-palm.zip28K
Source (4.6) hydra-4.6-src.tar.gz840K
4.1 hydra-4.1-palm.zip28K
Source (4.1) hydra-4.1-src.tar.gz172K
4.0 hydra-4.0-palm.zip24K
Source (4.0) hydra-4.0-src.tar.gz84K

Submitted on February 08, 2022 by

PalmDB member since February 8, 2022 Palm user since I was a child. Coming back to the platform due to unhappiness with modern portable platforms and also for nostalgia and retrocomputing fun.

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