Card Reader

1.0.9 Turn your Palm OS 5+ device into an external SD card reader for your PC! Card Reader mounts external storage over USB, making it possible to read and write files directly to your Palm without HotSync or extra adapters. Also compatible with PowerSDHC for cards over 2GB!

0.97 Earlier version, probably compatible with older devices and earlier versions of usb. It loads a driver CardReaderMgr.pdb in the first use and asks to restart device. You have to uninstall it in the program menu to stop loading the driver if you want to use other mass storage emulation like Card Export or the later version of this.


 (*Based on user feedback. Login to submit)


1.0.9 CardReader.prc60K
0.97 Card_Reader_0.97.zip28K

Submitted on November 27, 2018 by

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