ScreenShot is a simple background application that binds a physical hotkey or Graffiti gesture to capture the contents of your display in an image file.

There are two separate versions of the program: ScreenShot Hack for OS 1-4 ...

Device not working properly? No pin to push the reset button? Soft Reset is here to help, providing a software method to reboot your Palm OS 3.0 or newer device along with options to calibrate the display and/or launch a chosen application after reset. ...

Use Bluetooth audio devices with your Palm! Softick Audio Gateway adds A2DP support to Palm OS, allowing audio streaming to standard Bluetooth speakers and headphones.

Speedy is a benchmark application to test the performance of your Palm OS device and compare with others using a built-in database of test scores.

Can also be used in conjunction with overclock utilities like

StikZap is a tool for Clie devices to Transform Memory Stick into Aibo PMS and Modify Aiboware Data. This is recommended for those who want to make Personalities for Aibos before ERS-1000.

You've heard it. Antivirus for PalmOS. The epitome of uselessness.

In 2000, Symantec Corp. discovered some unique viruses. They were written to attack Palm OS handhelds. It was only a matter of time before a hacker figured out how to exploit ...

A simple system hardware information and usage statistics viewer for your Palm OS device!

This utility installs the latest system software and resolves the following issues:

  • Problems with default device settings
  • Unable to recognize Memory Stick™ Media or Memory Stick™ Media data disappears
  • Unable to ...

2-factor app for Palm which supports the same keys as Google Authenticator. Unlike Hotpants, this version takes up much less space and supports OS 2 and 3.

(This is a brand new 2024 ...

TealBackup is a backup program that can backup programs (including ROM programs) to a SD card. It can apply compression right on the device and even encrypt it.