
Zippit is an addictive puzzle game that requires quick thinking and a sharp mind! Your objective is to build the solution shape by sliding pieces on the game board. The clock is ticking, so there's no time to waste! For hours of puzzling fun, you've got to try Zippit!

  • Designed for color Palm OS devices.
  • Superb graphics and animation!
  • Highly addictive game play!
  • Auto-save feature allows you to return to a puzzle at a later time.


Version HotSync ID Serial
1.0 n/a n/a
1.1 - 1.2 Blackie 333065607
1.3 - 12739265

Use HackMe to register without changing your primary HotSync ID.


Requires a device with a color screen running the following version:

Version Compatibility
1.0 Palm OS 3.5+
1.1 - 1.2 Palm OS 3.5+, enhanced HiRes and Sony versions available
1.3 Palm OS 5+

 (*Based on user feedback. Login to submit)


1.3 zippit13.zip128K
1.1 zippit11.zip152K
1.0 zippit10.zip24K

Also Available At

Submitted on September 16, 2024 by

PalmDB member since August 30, 2024. First experienced Palm OS using my father's Zire 31 around 2008; now a proud owner of a Tungsten T5 and a few other Palm devices. :)