"Russian Palm" is a universal CD-disk with a set of software, documents and useful information, facilitating the first acquaintance and beginning of work with a handheld computer with Palm OS operating system.
The "Russian Palm" disc is suitable for most Palm-compatible Palm PDAs, Sony CLIE, Handspring and others.
On the disk are: • Russifiers of the PaPiRus 2003 family for the Palm and Sony CLIE PKK with Operating Palm OS 5.x system; • Russificators of the PaPiRus family for Palm, Sony CLIE, HandEra, Handspring and others with Palm OS 2.0/3.3/3.3/3.3/3.5/4.1; • Reference and training programs; • Directors, utilities, games and other useful programs; • Demo versions of different software versions.
Version | File | Size |
2003 | PAPIRUS_CD.zip | 85M |
README | СправкаРусскийПалм.pdf | 160K |
Serial | Serial.zip | 276K |