Multi Watch

MultiWatch is my first ever Palm app which I have used to get use to the development environment, so it is a little rough and probably the code is slightly bigger than really required, but at 14K I think most people can live with it. I spend a lot of time at swimming galas and timing of multiple swimmers is something on occasion I need to do. The third watch can be either a stopwatch OR a repeating count down timer for those doing interval training or more likely those supervising people doing interval training!! I've yet to find a waterproof palm.

Other than the display buttons for starting and stopping I have programmed the hard buttons to perform varying tasks dependent on the state of the watch.


Button 1 (left hand side of Palm)

Will start all none running watches at the same time. (watch 3 will not start if
count down interval is set.

Button 2

Will start watch 1 if not running. Will perform lap function if running.

Up Button

Will advance interval counter

Down Button

Will reduce interval counter

Button 3

Will start watch 2 if not running. Will perform lap function if running

Button 4

Will start watch 4 if not running AND no count down time is set. Will start count down if running. If watch 3 is running then pressing will perform lap function. If count down is running it will RESTART the counter for the current lap at the start time. This is useful if on doing interval training that bit of extra rest is required or some impromptu coaching !! MultiWatch will hold 39 laps for each watch. The last lap time is always the first line of the display. You can scroll down to see previous laps.

P button

The 'P' buttons beside each watch writes the current recorded laps into a unfiled memo where it can be modified hot synched etc.


If you stop any watch, the display will stop at that time, however the internal counters are still active and lap and stop buttons (on screen) will still display the correct time if subsequently pressed .

Due to the way the internal clock works if the pilot sleeps during a timing period then the internal counters get reset. To avoid this being too much of a pain I set the sleep interval to two hours when the app starts up and reset it back to the original value on exit.


 (*Based on user feedback. Login to submit)


1.0 MultiW.prc16K

Submitted on March 20, 2025 by

PalmDB member since June 23, 2024 Youtube Channel :