Jaxo's Rexx

Interpreter for the Rexx programming language, which is kinda like Basic. Includes library functions for serial/IR/TCP I/O, as well as editing other apps' databases and playing sounds.

Rexxlet*.prc is used for quick-launching scripts using gestures. You can do fun things with this like taking the current text selection (in any app) as input and replacing it with script output. Use RexxletHack.prc with HackMaster/XMaster for 3.x and 4.x devices, and RexxletNoHack.prc for 5.x devices.

Includes some example code in RexxDB.pdb and RexxletDB.pdb.


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1.0 RexxPalmOS1.0.0.zip204K

Also Available At

Submitted on January 24, 2025 by

PalmDB member since March 24, 2022