BEIKS Conjugator

Designed to help in studying or dealing with foreign languages, the program is a handy substitution for the fat grammar books. It is implemented as one "host" program with many language plug-ins, each of which provides the conjugation functionality for particular language.

It is important to know that most language plug-ins use rules and exceptions specific to the language to perform the conjugation. Because of that, they do not have clear way of identifying made-up verbs and will made up conjugations for them. Irregular verbs are usually taken into account.

Processing information

Unknown Regular Verbs

At this point, the program doesn't make difference between "right" and "wrong" regular verbs. As long as the verb fits the lexical "pattern" of the language it will be conjugated. At some point, Conjugator may be linked with other programs like BDicty to validate the source verb.

Unknown Irregular verbs

Unlike the regular verbs, the plug-ins usually carry the table of the irregular verbs for the language along with them and check your entry against it. If the verb is found in that table, it will be conjugated correctly. Otherwise, it will be treated as a regular verb.


The tool will display all supported tenses for the selected language. Some of these tenses may be out of use in the modern use of the language, others may be missing. Normally, there should not be missing languages.

Impersonal and defective verbs

Impersonal verbs (those that only exist in the infinitive and 3rd person singular) and defective verbs (where one or more tenses or persons are not used) are shown correctly as far as possible. However, authorities differ as to the details of these verbs and some forms are technically possible but never used nowadays.


 (*Based on user feedback. Login to submit)


English BeiksVerbConjugatorEnglishFULL2_12_1.zip64K
French French_verb_conjugator_v2.22.1.zip60K
German German_verb_conjugator_v2.11.0.zip60K
Italian Italian_verb_conjugator_v2.14.0.zip88K
Portuguese Portuguese_verb_conjugator_v2.10.0.zip36K
Spanish Spanish_verb_conjugator_v2.12.1.zip60K

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Submitted on March 21, 2025 by

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