PocketInside CrossLogic

CrossLogic 1.0

It is a sort of Japanese logic puzzle created in Japan by Tetsuya Nishio and also known as Nonograms, Paint-By-Number, or Picross puzzles.

Goal The goal is to fill the grid to match the numbers by using logic.

Rule Each number represents the length of the adjacent blocks which are filled in on its row or column and there must be at least one empty block between them. If you see '2 4 3', this means that there are three groups of filled blocks. The first group contains two filled blocks, the second four and the third three. The groups are separated by at least one empty block. The important thing is to determine how many empty blocks are placed between the filled groups.


Install the patched version and enjoy!

Use HackMe to register without changing your primary HotSync ID.


Compatible with color and grayscale devices. Clié version available.

 (*Based on user feedback. Login to submit)


1.0 Pocketinside_-_CrossLogic_v1.0_(2003)_[PalmOS3.5]_[Demo].zip
1.0 (Patched) Pocketinside_-_CrossLogic_v1.0_(2003)_[PalmOS3.5]_[Patched].zip

Submitted on September 22, 2024 by

PalmDB member since August 30, 2024. First experienced Palm OS using my father's Zire 31 around 2008; now a proud owner of a Tungsten T5 and a few other Palm devices. :)