
Put huge zoomable images and videos on any Palm or Treo!

Compatible with Everything Works with any Palm, Treo, Clie or other Palm-compatible PDA built since 1998. Works with any type of color or black and white display -- high res or low res. Desktop companion software (included) works with Windows Vista/XP/2000/98/ME or Mac OS X.

Huge collection of extra features

Includes FireConverter desktop PC companion program to convert and install images, videos and web pages for use in Firepad Viewer. Images up to 2,500 by 2,500 pixels or more (depends on your available storage memory). Supports many image formats: JPEG, GIF, BMP, PCX, PNG, TIFF. View color images on black-and-white display. Receive live video on wireless models like Treo and Tungsten C. Firepad MediaBook multimedia e-book support. Choose from popular titles online, or create your own.

Serial only for FireViewer 6.0f1:


Other versions do not have registration information. Try searching for this app in the Codez4Palm database.


 (*Based on user feedback. Login to submit)


6.0f1 FireViewer_Suite_6.0f1.zip3.8M
6.3 fireviewer63.zip548K
5.1 FireViewer51.zip1.3M

Submitted on August 20, 2024 by

PalmDB member since March 17, 2021