Another of TSR's Endless Quest gamebooks. This one is set in their "Gamma World" rpg, many years after an atomic war has devastated the planet, leaving ancient technology and mutants behind. Like the other EQ books I've done, its a bit linear compared ...

These are a small collection of Silk Plugins: alternate graffiti pad layouts for Sony Clie devices. Uploaded at request of dmitrygr of PalmDB Discord and to prevent the loss of these uncommon applications to time. May these files live eternally in the ...

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Owner Shortcut is a Palm application that brings up the “Owner” Palm preferences form. If your Palm OS device is lost and then found by an inexperienced Palm user, then this is an easy method (for inexperienced users) for finding the owner ...

Due Yesterday allows any student from middle school to grad school to easily keep track of classes, upcoming assignments, and grades through an easy-to-use and fully customizable interface; both on your handheld and desktop computer. Be sure to visit ...

A clone of the Internet-famous 5-letter word guessing game, for Palm OS 2.0 and later!


  • Works on monochrome screens
  • Displays previously guessed letters
  • Keeps track of your daily challenges and ...

Can you help Arthur the Aardvark eat all the termites? You'll have to stamp on their mounds first to release them and then catch them with your tongue.

Watch out for the sneaky snakes and mutant spiders though, Touch these and you'll loose some ...

VersaMail is a POP/IMAP Email client developed by Palm as the successor for Mail.

VersaMail supports syncing via HotSync or a network connection.

Zanac is an arcade shoot 'em up originally developed by Compile in 1986, and adapted to Palm OS in 2001. Traverse your ship through various enemies and power-ups, and achieve your high score.

The game features both a color and monochrome ...

lets you emulate the hp 48sx 48gx and 49g calculators