Score calculator for Riichi Mahjong, designed to help you learn the game. Instead of typing in every tile in your hand, it's more of an "interactive cheat sheet": select all the yaku & characteristics of your hand, check the built-in rule summaries ...
A guide to praying the Rosary. It automatically selects the mysteries based on the weekly schedule, with options for both new and old forms. You can even choose to see the prayers in Latin.
(This is a brand new 2023 app which I ...
This software for Palm OS is intended to help students of all levels that have class schedules and homeworks to better keep track of those.
The main form tells you right away which is the current class, which will be the next, alongside an ...
2-factor app for Palm which supports the same keys as Google Authenticator. Unlike Hotpants, this version takes up much less space and supports OS 2 and 3.
(This is a brand new 2024 ...
Very simple language learning tool. The main purpose of making it was to input foreign words with their translation and have a summary to study them.
Changelog: v1.1: Added Categories and a Drawing Pad. Renamed to VokWP (WordPad).
The goal of the game is to prevent the 'Bills' from spreading Windows to other computing devices.
About this game
I found pBill, along with it's source code in a lost corner of the internet. It's a straight port of ...
This is a Gameboy and Gameboy Color emulator for Palm OS, more technically speaking, a wrapper for uGB, an emulator core that was modified to work on our favorites PDA's.
One more brand new app for Palm OS coded in 2023! Oh, and it's open ...