From Crimson Fire's website:

Welded Warriors is a game of robot gladiator combat. You will need to visit many different planets and compete in fierce tournaments in order to keep your robots in shape. Buy shiny new upgrades at the shop, or ...

An offline archive of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, for use with TomeRaider 3.

As Wikipedia is always being updated with new articles across multiple languages, see

WinLauncher is a launcher replacement for Palm OS which emulates the look and feel of Windows 9x. Apps are launched via a nested Start menu, and favorites can be placed on an "active desktop" complete with dynamic content such as to-do lists. Built-in ...

Winterdark is a topdown RPG created by Spillersoft in 2003. From the docs and searching the net, it appears that the company never had a website and this might be their only release.

Nor much information can be found on the web - Only the demo ...

Speed up input on your Palm with WordComplete from CIC! Get word suggestions as you Graffiti or type in your letters. Choose how many suggestions you get and after how many letters you input. Supports 5-way navigation.

Install both PRCs to your ...

Its the classic Wordle you all love brought to us by u/bobberto1995


No Regestration Needed

WordSmith is a great word processor for older Palm devices. It works as a replacement for the standard Memo app but also edits Palm Doc files. The most characteristic feature is the ability to use font and paragraph styles (like bold, italic, ...

Traveling? Worldmate puts your travel plans at your fingertips. Get world time, flight info, weather, and more all from your Palm handheld. Supports both hi-res and DIA devices.


Crossword game. Dictionaries can be found at its website


Are you human or an alien? Detect whether if someone is an alien in the Palm of your hand! The app was developed for the Sci-Fi Channel.