This is the disk that came with the TDK blue5 Bluetooth enabler for the Palm V/VX and IBM Workpad C3.

Solebon is the paid-for version of SolFree by smallware. I cannot get in contact with smallware and the current owners of the modern versions of Solebon don't have any information or data related to the Palm OS version (and they are a different ...

Installer for the Palm CDK used to create hotsync conduits


TinyLogo is a programming language and program execution environment for the Palm handheld computer. It is especially friendly to beginning programmers or people who just want to get a simple idea of what programming is all about. Once TinyLogo is ...

ReadThemAll (RTA) is a document reader designed primarily for hands-free reading, but it can also be used as a general-purpose reader.

RTA works in two modes - "read" and "pause". In "pause" mode a panel is popping up above the text. It shows ...

An offline archive of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, for use with TomeRaider 3.

As Wikipedia is always being updated with new articles across multiple languages, see

D-Keyboard is a light-weight, yet useful and functional replacement for Palm OS software keyboard input. This is version 1.3, the last to be released.

Next to editing text, advanced tools like Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Select All, Find and ...

From 2000 to 2002, Handspring published a series of technical documents designed to introduce developers to key concepts for building hardware and software for their unique Visor line of Palm devices. The Application Notes series, as it was called, ...

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The PalmAudioUpdate.prc is a software patch for the Palm Tungsten T handheld. It resolves audio playback issues, associated with playing audio files (such as MP3 or WAV), which affect sound output quality.

Enhancements to the Palm Sound Manager ...