SpaceTime is the most powerful calculator ever made for mobile devices with 2D, 3D, and 4D graphing and MobileCAS Technology for algebra and calculus.

From the high school student to the professional engineer, SpaceTime allows you to explore ...

A PalmOS port of Elite by Till Harbaum. Based on Elite: The New Kind.

It's up to you to decide whether you want to be a trader, whether you want to earn money by asteroid mining or to hunt pirates. Or all at once. Enter your Cobra Mk3 docked at ...

Port of Elite: The New Kind to Palm OS. Elite is a space exploration and combat simulator with an emphasis on role-playing elements.

Void is a remake of the classic Elite sci-fi space exploration simulator. Pilot your own spacecraft and journey across the galaxy to conduct trade and survive combat!

TikTok is designed to be a simple, no nonsense, timer utility for a Palm OS device. Using it is dead simple. Tick on a checkbox to start a timer, edit its description to tell you what it is you are timing. Simple!

Version 2.x, by Mike ...

TC Assist is a tool designed to assist in filling out daily timecard entries. The user can enter start and stop time as well as the number of hours taken at lunch and hours worked. Either the start time, stop time or hours worked can be solved based on ...

Screen Prefs sets the default screen color/gray scale depth and color scheme for your Palm OS device. It can handle screen modes from black and white (1-bit) all the way up to 16-bit color. This program shows up in your Palm Preferences application ...

Owner Shortcut is a Palm application that brings up the “Owner” Palm preferences form. If your Palm OS device is lost and then found by an inexperienced Palm user, then this is an easy method (for inexperienced users) for finding the owner ...

McRazor, the buzz of the Palm OS community, turns your Palm OS device into an electric razor.

Finalist for Most Unusual Application at the Handheld Computing Best Product 2001 awards.

McPhling allows you to quickly switch from your current application to the previous one by simply swiping your pen from the silkscreen “Apps” button into the upper-left graffiti area. In addition, a swipe from the “Menu” button to the ...