Resco Neeews RSS News Reader

Resco Neeews! connects you to your favorite news sources all around the web.

Create your own newspapers

By a selection from predefined feeds (I want CNN World headlines),

By searching the web (Get all feeds on "PDA news"),

By queries to the premium services ("NBA news" from Google News).

As a special feature you can include audio news (podcasts)

Resulting newspaper can be updated regularly ("news every morning") and added to the Palm Launcher as a separate application. (One-tap access to "your" news.)

The ZIP file contains the full application, as well as an icon set.


Keys can be generated with the Resco Apps Key Generator


 (*Based on user feedback. Login to submit)


2.41.1 (ZIP) Resco_-_Neeews_v2.41.1_(2009)_[PalmOS5].zip
2.41.1 (PRC) Resco_-_Neeews_v2.41.1_(2009)_[PalmOS5].prc
2.31.1 RescoNews_2.31.1.prc380K

Submitted on January 05, 2025 by

PalmDB member since November 10, 2022

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