Franklin Covey Plan Plus

Life spiraling out of control? Can't prioritize tasks and goals? Have other planning programs failed to meet your needs? PlanPlus by FranklinCovey seeks to fix that, giving you an easy way to prioritize tasks, set goals, and more! There are two versions, PlanPlus Windows is a standalone application that contains all of your PIM needs. PlanPlus Outlook synchronizes the PIM on your device with Outlook. For PlanPlus Outlook the handheld applications are unavailable and do not come with the installer, this is not an issue with PlanPlus Windows.



For PPW 5.0/5.1:


For PPO 7.0/7.1:



PlanPlus Windows is highly unstable on modern versions of Windows, and has some incompatibilities with the PIM on your device. Due to issues with .net, you may have to unpack the installer using a program like ISx to extract the MSI. If you are getting issues with PPW and binding to a socket, try disabling the internet on your computer before launching.
PlanPlus Outlook has two versions, 7.0 is for 32-Bit versions of Outlook (up to 2010) and 7.1 is for 64-bit versions (up to 2010).

 (*Based on user feedback. Login to submit)


Win 5.0 2618 PPW5_2618.zip23M
Win 5.1 3162 PPW51_3162.zip28M
Win 5.1 3162 Extracted PPW51_3162_u.zip27M
Outlook 7.0 PPO7_6566.zip46M
Outlook 7.1 (x64) PPO71.zip22M
PPW5 Manual FranklinCovey_PlanPlus_for_Windows_5_User_Guide.pdf13M

ISx Available At

Submitted on June 25, 2022 by

A student and techno-nerd, PalmDB member since December 4, 2020

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