Calculate the size of shapes wherever you go! Shape Calculator lets you find the circumference, radius, diameter, and area of a circle. Additionally, it lets you find the area and perimeter of a triangle. If you do a lot of math, you’ll certainly ...

Six sides not enough? Roll a whole collection of dice arranged in a user-friendly layout that makes it easy to decide the fates of many different kinds of game. Dice Roller works great for D&D, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Pathfinder, and more. Tested ...

Make sound effects with your Palm! You can customize the frequency, duration, and volume of your sound. If you want to unlock the power of your Palm’s built-in speaker, you’ll find Palm Beeper incredibly useful! Tested on Palm OS 3.5 and 4.0.

Codez4Palm is an extensive database of PalmOS registration codes packaged in a convenient app you can bring with you right on your Palm OS device! Also features MultiUserHack integration to allow registering individual ...

"Pick a number between 1 and 10." If you’ve ever used this type of arbitration trick to make decisions, Random Number Generator is the app for you.

As it says on the tin, Random Number Generator generates random integers between the ...

NetFront is a mobile browser originally developed by ACCESS. It was the default browser on many Sony devices, including CLIÉ and PSP. NetFront for Palm OS features higher compatibility than Blazer while being lighter weight than

Benchmark is exactly what it says on the tin: a tool for measuring and comparing the performance of Palm OS devices. By combining results from native code and Palm OS API calls, it provides an accurate measurement across both 68K and ARM-based ...

Robot Attack! is a game that is based on the old Apple game Daleks. The object of the game is to destroy all the robots on a level by having them crash into each other or walk into the fire created by two robots colliding. You can move your character ...

Deskfree Recycle optimizes your PalmPilot memory for increased storage and greater speed.

It is dubbed the "Natural" defragger because it uses only the official programming interface, rather than playing around with undocumented memory ...

Railroad is a form of solitaire also known as Russian Solitaire, one of the most challenging types of solitaire available. The object is to increase your score over time. Every time you deal, your score goes down 52 points. Every time you move a card ...