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Palm Programming: The Developer's Guide (Companion CD)

Welcome to the "Palm Programming: The Developer's Guide" companion CD-ROM!

This CD includes a wide range of development tools for Windows, Mac, and Linux programmers, as well as ...

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No description available. Want to contribute? Register or login to edit this post with your description, screenshot, files, and more!

No description available. Want to contribute? Register or login to edit this post with your description, screenshot, files, and more!

Palm Campus CD-ROM available with Palm Zire 31 including the following apps :

SlovoEd MetrO WorldMate 2004 EasyCalc MegaBowling Billiards Socoban

This is a raw disk image of the Game Essentials MMC card. It can be mounted as RAM disk or flashed onto an SD card.

The games included are:

  • 9-ball Pinball
  • Atum
  • Billiards
  • ChromaGames (Checkers, Chess, ...

This is a raw disk image of the PalmPak Games MMC card (this is a separate release from the Game Essentials, which came out later). It can be mounted as RAM disk or flashed onto an SD card.

The card includes the following ...

This is a raw disk image of the PalmPak Travel: US Cities MMC card. It can be mounted as RAM disk or flashed onto an SD card.

The card contains the following applications:

  • CitySyncCard
  • City Time
  • Time ...

This is a raw disk image of the PalmPak eBook Series Sci-Fi MMC card. It can be mounted as RAM disk or flashed onto an SD card.

The card contains Palm Reader version 1.0.8c, along with four eBooks, all authored by Peter F. ...